Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Oil and Gas Exploration in East Aceh (Indonesia)

PT Medco E & P Malaka who gets control of Block A license extension in East Aceh has finally announced the launching of the commencement of exploration activities of OIL and gas  at the end of this year.

In addition, the commencement of operation of OIL and gas exploration in Block A is also highly expected by PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM). Fertilizer company based in the city of Lhokseumawe it has signed a contract with PT Medco E & P Malaka to supply 110 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) for approximately five years. Because of all this, PT PIM should bring gas supplies from outside Aceh transported by cargo ship.

Medco's commitment was conveyed President Director / CEO of PT Medco E & P Malaka, Budi Basuki in the greeting ceremony launching the start of projects of OIL and gas field Block A and the implementation of community development programs

Budi added that the investment area of Block A in East Aceh require funds worth $ 600 million. While the need for opening of an oil well requires USD 10 million or equivalent to Rp 180 billion. also will open a new OIL wells into reserves for the future.

East Aceh Regent, Muslim Hasballah said, the oil and gas mining concessions covering 15 districts of 24 districts in East Aceh. Of the 15 districts, most of the region oil and gas sub-sectors within the concession area of PT Medco E & P Malaka or so-called Block A. While PT Pacific OIL & Gas in District Rantau Peureulak and PT Triangle Pase Inc. located in District Pante Bidari.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Mover Oil Prices

Mover Oil prices have equality as factors driving the gold price, it is important for us to consider these factors in order to assist in identifying opportunities in managing transaction activity.

Some fundamental factors that are essential for oil we observe. So as to move the crude oil prices dramatically:

1. Offers and supplies

Level of supply or supply of oil in the world is the most fundamental factor. The decline in oil prices caused by the swelling of very sharp crude oil stocks. When the oil producing countries start reducing their production, oil demand would continue to rise.

Political tensions that occur in regions or countries, especially the oil producing Middle East region, based on historical records, has affected the price of crude oil in the world market. Any interference that could affect oil supplies either real or just a rumor can affect prices dramatically.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Relations Oil, Dollar, Gold and Forex

Developments in oil prices after the outbreak of war in Libya is very influential on commodity prices and the index that is currently providing a significant impact on the development of currency in Forex trading. Call it a few commodities such as oil, gold and natural gas create strong influence on the rise and fall of the USD and other currencies. So also with the movement of stock in America pegaruh affiliated with the Dow Jones Index. If the movement in general shares a country has decreased the value of the currency country will be corrected down.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Asia Oil Prices

The fall in world oil prices in Asia on Wednesday April 27 2011 because investors are waiting for a decision after a two-day policy meeting of the U.S. central bank. weakening greenback makes dollar-priced oil cheaper, increase demand and lead to higher oil prices.

In the oil market in New York, for futures contracts, light sweet crude for June fell 19 cents to $ 112.02 per barrel, while Brent North Sea crude for June delivery fell 22 cents to $ 123.92. The oil market has been pretty flat, no one really have a whole lot of movement

The oil market will see what will come out of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank and with regard to comments from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke whether monetary tightening will begin. This meeting will be important in maintaining the tone of the weakening U.S. dollar for the rest of the second quarter.

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Oil Processing

Oil is one of the basic human needs, even in nearly all parts of the world's petroleum is used as an energy source or for the needs of daily life - days. So far people only know the oil in the form so without knowing the origin of oil from where and how to get through so can be directly used. Generally obtained by drilling wells on land and on the beach, to a depth of hundreds of meters even until kilogram meters above sea level. the first oil found still in their raw form. 

The oil obtained is collected in tankers and then flowed through pipes into the tank station or oil refinery. Crude oil is a black viscous liquid and smelled dreadful. This oil can not be used as fuel or for other purposes, but must go through processing in advance. 

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Indonesia Targets Oil Production Away from Hope

Finance Minister Agustin Mastowardojo says production (lifting) of oil this year probably can only reach 950 barrels per day, slip away from targets that have been installed in Budget 2011 at 970 barrels per day.

This condition makes the Ministry of Finance must be vigilant, especially until the first quarter of this year, oil production reached only 895 barrels per day. Of course, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and BP Migas will seek a maximum for 970 barrels per day target could be achieved.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Indonesia's policy towards the Increase In World Oil

The Indonesian government has not yet determined attitude to the price of fuel oil (BBM) a few weeks since the world crude oil prices rose through U.S. $ 100 per barel. Until Thursday (21 / 4), Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa still ensure that fuel prices will not be raised and the implementation of quota restrictions also not yet implemented. Four options previously presented to the government also has not been decided. Since early February 2011, the price of crude oil has crossed U.S. $ 100 a barrel, the highest rate since the economic crisis of 2008.

A number of parties, including former Vice President Jusuf Kalla and House members Satya W. Yudha, assess, it is time the government raised subsidized fuel prices to reduce swelling in the state budget subsidy fund. However, until mid-April 2011, Hatta ensure the government has not taken any steps to that. There was no thought at all (raising prices). 

Kamis, 21 April 2011


offshore oil drilling
Oil is the world's basic needs are somewhat hard to replace with other energy reserves. Currently, countries in the world without exception developed countries or developing countries continue to develop its natural resources, especially in the oil sector. In addition to producing very much the financial foreign exchange can also be used to establish a livelihood, the people of a country itself. One is a Latin American country that is Venezuela's Orinoco Belt precisely in the area that has been targeting has the largest reserves in 2009 dunia.terbukti crude oil rose to 1.06 trillion barrels and is beat to data released by OPEC. As we know for now the biggest oil producing country is still held by Saudi Arabia that is 265 billion barrels. 

Saudi Arabia carrying crude oil reserves amounted to 265 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia has a surplus in which the crude oil they produce enough light, conventional, and easy to pump. Meanwhile, crude oil reserves in Venezuela's Orinoco Belt is a kind of heavy and similar to tar. Crude oil in this area should be mixed with a lighter crude oil to be pumped out. And it is recognized that crude oil reserves in this region is very abundant. U.S. Geological Survey has provided the credibility that the content of crude oil in the Orinoco Belt to reach 513 billion barrels. To process all of this takes a lot of cost.
The existence of reasonable doubt by the investors one of them due to mismanagement at the state oil company PDVSA, which is a major shareholder in the Orinoco Belt. Other than that the political uncertainty in Venezuela as well be the cause of the oil drilling process barriers. As already known to the world that Venezuela has nationalized most of the oil industry in his country. Nationalization is also included the takeover of projects worth billions of dollars in Orinoc conducted by Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhillips in the year 2007. Given these problems do not stop the Venezuelan government to sign several contracts contracts with foreign investors.

The issue of World Oil Price Effect on Production Plan Orinoco

Continuity plan for drilling in the Orinoco Belt crude oil is also highly dependent on world crude oil price movements. The high costs of production for the kind contained in the Orinoco oil caused crude oil prices should be in the range of 75-85 dollars per barrel for production can benefit monetarily. Oil companies are willing to put aside the global political risk in order to ensure the availability of crude supplies in the long term. Most important for Venezuela to keep his cooperation contracts with global oil companies and provide good treatment. for investors. And that expected from global companies today is a more friendly policy of investors from the Chavez goverment.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Cultivators Oil exploration in Indonesia

Oil Eksploration

Indonesia is one of the developing countries that have the potential of natural resources are very abundant. One of them adalh bumi.berjuta oil - million barrels of oil can be produced in Indonesia. Many countries - Indonesia Negar glanced in the world that is rich in its oil resources. And this has been done by countries - developed countries as a investor in the world spread their wings perminyakan.berikut some oil companies are already operating in Indonesia:

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Developing Countries Producing Oil And Unrest Libya

The collapse of the regime of Hosni Mubarrak who has been in power nearly three decades in charge of Egypt which propagate in the neighboring country of Libya, middle east i have enough influence to impact the country - the oil-producing developing countries. Prediction beginning with the collapse of the Mubarak regime does not affect on world oil prices, but in reality after creeping up to a volatile Libya bring trouble the world today. As we know, Libya is a country in the world crude oil contributing nearly 60 percent of which is currently stalled due to turmoil. This issue will automatically have an impact on the country - other crude oil producing countries and led to the world economy. According to predictions by the experts to cover 60% of oil from Libya can be closed by the state - other oil producing countries who are members of the OPEC organization. But that did not also cover the supply of crude oil produced by the world.

Senin, 18 April 2011

World Oil Reserves

offshore oil mining
Oil is a world of human needs. Moreover, the current ongoing civil war that occurred in Libya which are highly influential impact of soaring world oil prices. Will automatically affect all areas of human life. Currently, all state racing - the race to get oil in various ways, especially countries - big countries in the world. without exception, including countries - developing countries trying to do research in order to exploit the oil wealth in his country. As one developing country with a population of Indonesia is quite high. After doing the research estimated the Indonesian state has the largest reserves in the world that is almost reached 320, 79 billion barrels. This figure is considered to be quite fantastic by experts.

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Simple House Spatial

After our dream come true to have a simple house with a concept which we have previously designed, of course, in creating a healthy home, small, simple but looks more spacious when we occupy. Therefore we need intelligence and art in placing or arranging the house we occupy. Usually someone will be impressed at first sight so go home, and this impression can be a mirror rating for the owner of the house. For that there are a few tips in mewujdkan simple house with a good layout as follows:

1. Draperies

Election draperies must be adapted to the conditions existing window our home, it is advisable to house a small, simple draperies that do not use your grooves too many folds, so impressed crowded. Then choose a bright color or light that can emit light very well so it does not seem cramped.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Earthquake Resistant Buildings

 Aceh tsunami earthquake is the world's greatest earthquake first before the Japanese took many victims, property and so forth. Earthquake extraordinary that almost devastating lantahkan hundreds of homes affected communities directly earthquake-tsunami, which caused the building shaking dozens of buildings - storey concrete building was destroyed. Generally, earthquakes occur in offshore areas and some residential areas of society. For that to anticipate the occurrence of earthquakes and elimination of losses when an earthquake takes an engineering and construction in building an earthquake-resistant buildings.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

The concept simple ideal home habitable

simple home layout
The home is a basic need that can not be in the living elakkan lagi.selayaknya definitely need a place to stay. From this needs a lot of the property take advantage of this situation while the general population was in need when it is used by properties to develop housing with a variety of facilities offered without regard to quality in terms of comfort, health, suitable for habitation and so forth that sometimes people call home very - very simple (RSSS).
     Simple house should be changed

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Simple healthy low-cost housing

lightweight steel frame
The more rapid growth of population in a country increasingly difficult to obtain public housing. Housing is an urgent need. While people need a place to stay to gain comfort in the hold of his life. Not least in Indonesia with a population of nearly 230 million more scattered throughout the territory Indonesia from Sabang to merouke. Especially in urban areas - big cities, is very desirable for housing - housing, adjusted for the revenue of the society itself. It required a breakthrough in terms of housing development with a minimum cost but can have a decent house or what we call a simple house that is necessary to be habitable today's society.

Senin, 11 April 2011

Obat Tradisional Kencing Manis

Kencing manis merupakan salah satu dr penyakit yang paling ditakuti oleh kebanyakan orang, penyakit ini diakibatkan karena fungsi kerja pangkreas sebagai penghasil hormon insulin mengalami gangguan sehingga tidak bekerja dengan baik. Diabetes Militus termasuk dalam daftar penyakit yang mematikan dan dari ilmu medis belum ditemukannya obat penyakit tersebut. Sebagai umat beragama bagi anda yang mengalami penyakit Diabetes Militus kencing manis tidak usah khawatir , seperti yang dikatakan Allah Swt bahwa tidak ada penyakit yang tidak ada obatnya. Tuhan telah menciptakan segala sesuatunya berpasang – pasangan , ada siang ada malam , ada penyakit tentu ada obatnya. Salah satunya Tuhan menciptakan tanaman rerumputan sejenis perdu yang kadang kita anggap sesuatu yang tidak berguna namun khasiatnya luar biasa yang bernama pohon CIPLUKAN  dengan nama latin physalis angulata Linn dikenal di berbagai  daerah (Jawa=Ceplukan;  Sunda = Cecendet , Madura=Yor-yoran  dsb.

Ciri – ciri tanaman Ciplukan:

1.            Tumbuhan liar Biasanya hidup di semak – semak belukar, di pematang sawah di hutan – hutan yang banyak tumbuh rerumputan/ semak belukar.

2.            Bunganya berwarna kuning, buahnya bulat tetapi terbungkus seperti kuncup kerucut, buahnya manis, daunnya bersegi2 – segi, tingginya tidak lebih dari 1 meteran, batangnya berongga, biasanya hidup subur pada saat musim hujan.

Cara Penyajiannya :
1.            pohon/ tanaman ciplukan 2-3 pohon di cuci bersih dari akar , batang sampai daunya, kemudian direbus dengan 4 gelas air bersih.

2.            Setelah air rebusan kira – kira menjadi 2  gelas diangkat kemudian disaring dengan saringan .

3.            setelah disaring kemudian diminum setiap pagi dan malam mau tidur.ini dilakukan rutin setiap hari.

Tips Bagi penderita Diabetes Militus ( Kencing Manis )  :
1.            Bagi penderita disamping minum obat tradisional juga harus di imbangi pola makan yang telah ditentukan oleh ahli gizi sehingga khasiat obat tradisional dapat dirasakan si penderita

2.            Pola Olahraga teratur setiap hari minimal melaksanakan jogging setiap hari minimal 30 menit  atau jalan kaki selama 1 jam namun demikian  tidak terlalu di porsir., sehingga dapat membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah yang sangat drastis.

3.            Sediakan alat tes gula darah dirumah yang dapat dibeli di apotik kimia farma ataupun di pasar pramuka jakarta. Fungsinya sebagai alat kontrol kita setiap hari sehingga kita dapat disiplin dalam mengatur pola makan .

4.            Tips ini diambil dari pengalaman orang tua penulis yang sudah 15 tahun mengalami kencing manis tetapi masih bugar dan sehat.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Arti Nikah secara Harfiah

     Brur  & Sis seringkali kita mendengar orang bilang gw nikahin eloe krena gw cinta ama eloe.....itulah sebenernya yang keliru dan perlu adanya pelurusan, menurut Islam sebab wanita dinikahin lantaran ade sebabnye antara lain: Karena Kecantikan nye, karena harta nye (kaya), karena iman nye.....itu yang pokoknya....terlepas kita melihat dari mana dalam memilih pendamping hidup, tapi standarnya udah ada,...istilahnye kl kita beli helm udah ada standar SNI nye....sebelum bicara nikah coba kita tinjau dulu kata " CINTA"menurut Islam, nah ni die kurang lebihnye......

""CINTA secara Islam, Datang hanya ada dalam satu kata adalah PERNIKAHAN.. CINTA datang setelah adanya ijab qabul.. CINTA setelah Nikah Itulah cinta Qudus(Suci) yaitu CINTA yang bernilai tinggi Bukan cinta murahan.. Inilah kemuliaan agama Islam.""

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Sholawat Nariyah

   Artikel kmaren ngebahas sedikit keutamaan bagi orang yang mendawamkan membaca sholawat secara umum, mw yg pendek ataupun yg panjang, sekarang ane mw berbagi lg sdikit fadhilah dr tiap2 sholawat tsb yang diambil dr beberapa sumber, dimana semua ayat ataupun sholawat ada tujuan ataupun makna yg tersirat yang diperuntukkan untuk kemaslahatan manusia, skrg tggal trgantung mau tidaknya manusia untuk mengkajinya lebih dalam....yuk kita liat keutamaannya...:

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Manfaat Madu

     Madu sebagai obat favorit tradisional yang ga usah diragukan lagi, jangankan madu benernya judul lagu dangdut ** MADU**aje banyak orang seneng dijadiin lagu favourit lagi.... Allah SWT aje udah ngomong dalam Qur'an khasiat madu sebagai obat yang sangat mujarab buat manusia dan di abadikan lagi hewan penghasilnya dalam surat di Al Quran (An-Nahl= Lebah)..kl ga percaya buka aje deh tafsir / terjemahannya dalam surat An-nahl ayat 69, yang artinye: "Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang berfikir"...
      Dan dalam hadist nabi yang bernilai shahih juga dijelaskan tuh manfaat madu sebagai obat, ni die Hadistny,:Dari Ibnu Abbas R.A. dari Rasulullah S.A.W. : ”Kesembuhan dari penyakit itu dengan melakukan tiga hal : berbekam, minum madu dan dibakar dengan besi panas. Tetapi aku melarang umatku membakar dengan besi panas itu”. HR. Shahih Bukhari...dan menurut penelitian madu mempunyai kandungan banyak zat gizi seperti karbohidrat, protein, vitamin, mineral, asam amino, dekstrin, pigmen tumbuhan dan komponen aromatic, yang bermanfaat  bagi kesehatan manusia. madu juga anti biotik alami yang mampu mengalahkan antibiotik buatan manusia........

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Tsunami di Aceh

Ngerasain gempa dgn goncangan besar sangat2 mengerikan, merasakn bgmana lg jalan badan kaya miring2, tiang listrik bergoyang2...wah dahsyat bgt deh.....kl org yg tinggal di aceh pas tsunami pasti meninggalkan trouma yg luar biasa...Harta benda,kluarga hilang lenyap, rumah rata....ane mw berbagi dikit foto tsunami yg  di ambil pasca kjadian yg msh tersimpan.msh bnyk bgt lg fotonye ntar kita bandingin ama yg di Jepang Gambarnye... 

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Tips sederhana Perawatan Mobil bermesin Diesel

Survey dari beberapa mekanik mobil maupun pengguna kndaraan yg mngerti mbil mereka lbh memilih mobil bermesin diesel krn disamping mudah perwatan juga lebih irit. mungkin brur sudah pada lupa dan sering diabaikan hal2 yg dianggap kecil/remeh. ni die beberapa tips sederhana perawatan mbil diesel:

1. Dibiasakan sebelum mhidupkan mesin di pagi hari cek Oli dan air radiator sehingga bisa di antisipasi kekurangan oli dan kekeringan air yg bisa menyebabkan mesin baling( dekselnya).

2. Cek Air  batre krn mesin diesel bnyak nyedot strum.

3. Untuk Saringan/filter Oli tiap 2x ganti oli ganti saringan gunanya supaya pump olinya lbh awet

4. Untuk saringan/filter solar tiap 3x ganti oli ganti filter solar, krn kita ga tau minyak solar sudah hasil olahan(udh dicampur minyak tanah) yg msk ke SPBU.

5. Biasakan mengisi  minyak solar jangan menunggu sampe rest usahakn sisa seprempat sudah diisi mencegah mesin masuk angin terutama mobil di bawah thn 2000an.

6. Perbaikan mesin usahakan cari montir yg benar2 mengerti mesin dan sudah berpengalaman

                     ****SEMOGA BERMANFAAT****


Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Faedah/ manfaat Membaca shalawat Nabi Muhammad SAW

Terkadang orng sudah lupa atau mengacuhkan pesan - pesan dari para Da'i, ustadz dsb mengenai Shalawat Nabi, padahal begitu hebatnya manfaat yang akan kita dapatkan baik di dunia maupun akhirat apabila kita sering mendawamkan/membiasakan membacanya. sedikit ane mw berbagi yang mungkin kadang kita malas membaca dalil2nye...ini ane ambil/kutip yg berdasrkan Qur'an n Hadist dari buku panduan Zikir Abuya Tgk. H. Djamaludin Wali..yaitu:

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Manfaat Pucuk daun jambu batu ( Psidium Guajava)

      Ane mw berbagi lg sedikit pengalaman neh manfaat pucuk jambu batu......banyak memang diantaranya manfaat dari jambu batu salah satunya untuk mempercapat penyembuhan luka terbuka akibat jatuh kecium aspal, luka karena bekas circumsisi( sunat),ataupun luka2 lainnye...

         Bagi kawan 2 yang punya masalah luka terbuka( bisa luka besar/ kecil) ga usah khawatir insyaallah cepet sembuh deh....caranya mudah kok...kita cari deh pucuk daun jambu batu yah kira2 secukupnya

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011


Asslm...pasti bro,sis, agan pernah mengalami namanya masalah baik dalam khidupan pekerjaan, keluarga dsb....ane pengen berbagi sedikit neh....yah namanya orng hidup ga pernah lepas dari masalah,kl istilah analoginya kite berjalan bawa mobil/ dijalan yang lurus jalan tol sekalipun pasti akan menemui masalh.misanye aje nabrak/ketabrak ataupun ban bocor, padahal sebelumnye kita udah hati2 bgt n udh ngecek semuanya....yah kalau gw caranya yang paling utama seh dengan mendekatkan diri sama yang maha kuasa, itu udah jalan paling bener deh.......tempat kita bergantung segala2nya.....dan bro,sis, agan perlu ingat jangan pernah bergantung sama manusia, mereka intinya hanya perantara tanpa Allah gerakin mereka tidak akan tergerak hatinye...betul ga?..........Tapi itu semua pake jalan dong bro,sis, gan.....caranya mudah die caranya:


Tee Box
Bagi kawan, sohiib2, bro, sis, agan2 ane yang baru mau coba - coba maen golf ane mw berbagi pengalaman n cerita  neh sedikit sebelum latihan di lapangan drive sebenernye biar ga malu2in bgt kl pas lg rame latian ga jadi bahan tertawaan orng...he.....he.......pengalaman ini ane buat sendiri ama rekan2 ane dikantor yang hobi golf n br mw mulai latihan....

Awalnye gw denger , lihat n baca olahraga golf itu olahraga nye orang2 berduit n mahal lagi....kalangan jetzet ga juga, gw pertama x dikenalin olahraga ini ama abang senior pas kebetulan die hobinye maen golf, setiap weekend pasti die kluar kota u maen golf krn sering ada tornamen katanye..